Weusi Underground Railroad II, Inc. and Aisha Hadiya are licensed, partners with, or recognized as a certified provider of Mental Health services by the following organizations and agencies.

The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) exists to provide statewide leadership of a high-quality mental health and addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery system that is effective and valued by all Ohioans.

NAMI Ohio (National Alliance on Mental Illness of Ohio) was created in 1982 by a small, dedicated group of family members to provide mutual support, education, and advocacy for individuals and families affected by serious brain disorders. Over the years, our membership has expanded to include family members, mental health consumers and providers, community mental health boards, mental health organizations and other supporters.

Due to the closing of ten of Ohio’s psychiatric hospitals, approximately 20 years ago, there was a need for a structured and nurturing housing option for Ohio’s severely mentally disabled. Residential Class 2 Facilities (Adult Care Facilities) were established as private businesses or were part of a faith-based missions to serve these citizens.

The Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) of Montgomery County is responsible for the planning, funding, and monitoring of public mental health and addiction treatment services for individuals and families of Montgomery County, Ohio. Under Ohio law, the ADAMHS Board is one of 50 Boards coordinating the public behavioral health and addiction treatment and recovery system in Ohio.
The Board is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and has the legal responsibility and authority for the provision of mental health and addiction treatment services. Montgomery County ADAMHS contracts with provider agencies to deliver services that assist consumers and clients on the road to recovery.